Happy Room sets you in a virtual laboratory where you are tasked with testing out various weapons and traps on clone test subjects. The game provides a sandbox environment filled with all manner of dangerous and bizarre contraptions. From lasers and saws to explosives and black holes, you arrange these devices strategically to create the most effective sequence to damage the clones. The objective is to fulfill the challenging goals set for each level, which often require you to experiment with the placement and combination of traps.
Strategy and Destruction
Each level in Happy Room offers a different set of objectives and budgets, pushing you to think creatively to maximize your damage output within the constraints. You’ll unlock more destructive devices as you progress, allowing for even more elaborate and chaotic setups. The game encourages you to revisit levels with your newly acquired arsenal to achieve better efficiency and higher scores. The physics-based reactions of the traps and clones add a layer of unpredictability, making each session uniquely destructive. Engage in this macabre yet oddly satisfying scientific endeavor to discover just how damaging your contraptions can be.